CivHack was written and developed by Alex Furmanski. He is a sixteen-year old student, studying maths, electronics, computing and chemistry A-levels. Yes, four of the buggers!
He has a long history in programming - he started on his first computer, a ZX Spectrum, when he was only 8 years old. He has been refining his techniques and expanding his knowledge of languages and can write fluent Speccy, Amos, GFA and Blitz Basic. He is also learning PASCAL as part of his computing course.
He currently runs an Amiga 1200, on a slender 6mb of RAM and a 68020, aided by a 68882. Storage comes in the form of a 1.7gb 3.5" IDE harddisk and two 3.5" floppy drives. Oh yes, and a 32x CD-ROM, all still hanging from the keyboard unit. Oh for some money.

Alex lives in Luton, Bedfordshire. The only shop to stock new Amiga titles are Electronics Boutique, but their support has dwindled to a single shelf and second hand games are available from "The Software Cellar". It isn't a wildly happening Amiga scene.
But never mind, as long as he gets AF each month he's kept happy and mail order isn't that bad, really? If you feel the urge to contact him, then you could try e-mailing or write to him:

Alex Furmanski
1 Heywood Drive

He would be very glad to hear your feedback and ideas for the next release, which is being developed as you read this.

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